The New Columbus.

4 min readMay 31, 2022


From Marco Polo, Vasco de Gama, and Christopher Columbus to Buzz Aldrin, Yvon Chouinard, Mike Horn, and even Elon Musk…we all are Explorers.

Christopher Columbus by Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio (on Web3) & Elon Musk — Explorers.

Humans, unlike other mammals, are driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our scientific and technical limits, and then push further…

But ironically, within the Travel Industry, we have stopped exploring for years as we haven’t witnessed a game-changer idea in the way we explore & discover the world.

Instead, we’ve seen the advent of dominant & centralized travel platforms using the legacy model of “search, pay, leave and come back” where suppliers are viewed as commoditized and travelers as interchangeable.

But let’s be honest for 2sec; as it was simple to access & to book with amazing discounts, we let these monolithic giants control our travel journeys by telling us where to go & when with their proprietary algorithms. Twenty years later, the consequence of this is mass tourism, overconsumption of resources & destruction of the travel ecosystem (we all have heard about the “Maya Bay Beach” story 😱).

So, when the pandemic hit the travel world, we tried to find the positive in this situation, and we felt that this period was kind of a sign to try to make things differently.

At the same time, we also witnessed the rise of Web3 as a new social movement that aims to build a fairer & sustainable internet around communities and where creators & users can become the new owners of the platforms they love by sharing the values & revenues.

This Web3 Rennaissance period was the other sign we needed to push again the boundaries of exploration & enter what we called a new Columbus era; an era where every passionate traveler, creator, or even brand could become Explorers and help us build a new travel world centered around human interaction, authenticity & ownership. Deep inside, we felt it was time to design a new kind of platform that belongs to its stakeholders and that is bridging the uniqueness of the real world & the infinite possibilities of the digital world.

WYTLAND as a web3 community-owned travel platform was born.

But that being said, we have now to build everything from the ground 😱.

Founding Team on the WYT Island

We spent months learning about Web3, Crypto, and Blockchain but also speaking with Travel Creators about their daily life and the way for them to live from their passion. We spoke to thousands of modern travelers & their wishes to better consume travel & discover the world differently, physically & digitally. Finally, we have had tens of meetings with travel brands & destinations about their role in the ecosystem & the way for them to be more authentic & less dependent on platforms that are taking a big share of their revenues that could be otherwise distributed to local cultures & communities.

We gather an incredible team of talented and passionate people with more than 10 years of experience in the Travel Industry, Social Media and Gaming. We are all convinced that there is a unique opportunity in front of us as blockchain technology & a new social collective awareness are crossing at the same time. It lies there, waiting, all we need to do is collectively reach out and take it. This is the moment where we get to decide what we want for our future. Are we satisfied with centralized & monolithic booking platforms, and do we continue in the same direction as we were going before, or should we strive for something better, aligning all stakeholder’s expectations by sharing the value with our community of explorers & builders?

But don’t be mistaken here, we are not promising Wonderland. And we’re not building another travel company or a trip planning app, nor a review or photo-sharing app. What we’re building here is way more than that. It’s a new ecosystem, a new world, built & owned by its community, and the perfect combination between Travel, Social & Web3. And if you’re a passionate traveler, a travel Creator, or a travel Brand, you should definitely be part of it.

Let’s be the new Columbus, together. #WAGMI
More to come very soon…

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